Sunday, September 12, 2010

Summer Catch Up - Our jobs

Jay and I were blessed to work for SpringHill Camps this summer. We were able to be part of sharing the Gospel with over 4,800 campers through the Day Camp program. Here are some highlights from our Urban week that we did in Downtown Detroit.

This particular week was not without its own particular set of difficulties. We worked in one of the most deserted and down-hearted neighborhoods I have ever seen, but the kids were so grateful.

We were centered in Carstens Elementary School. The picture below was my office in the basement gym. We knew the week was going to be rough when summer school at this un-air-conditioned building was closed due to the heat index being so high. But Day Camp went on.

Relief came when the Detroit Fire Department stopped by to help cool us down:)

Because of the threat of theft in the location of the school, we had to remove all of our portable activities every night. In the removing of our wall one night, the portable climbing wall decided it wanted to ride inside of the Expedition that was pulling it.

Another night we were tearing down the giant metal poles of the zipline in the lightning storm, to make it inside just in time to see the office/storage room flooding.

On our final night we lost the keys to the Budget truck that was hauling the majority of the equipment, so for a night we had to abandon it in a church parking lot.

But all of these disasters were not enough to prevent God from moving. Here is Jay leading a campfire song at our closing rally where we were able to hear from the kid's mouths how God worked in their lives during the week.

This last picture has no purpose, and the explanation would take to long, so all I will say is this happened on a weekly basis:

More later!

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