Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Laura Got MARRIED!

Not much to say about this.

It was a beautiful, fun, meaningful, and unique wedding.

I am so happy for you little sister.
(The Rehersal . . . It rained a little)

The Bachelorette Party

(the only boy allowed)

The BIG Day.

(one classy bride)
(a warning to all future brides - EAT!)
(In my personal opinion the coolest couple at the wedding)
(Ok, they may have been the coolest couple . . . )
(Jay did it)

(Wow, we looked a lot better before we danced for a couple hours)
(How we felt at midnight when the party wasn't over and we realized we had to be up at 5:30am for work:(

1 comment:

Laura Eich said...

Thank you for finally updating this. I was missing it. muah. see you tonight!