Thursday, November 28, 2013

One year (and one month)

Little Man is now a one year old. It is amazing how fast that year went. In honor of him being 12 months old, here are 12 facts about him:

1. He has his own filing system.

Anyone who has spent any time around this little guy, knows that he is busy and loves to put things in other things. The other day, I had some time, so I followed him around to see if there was a pattern. Here is what I discovered:
- Paci's go in the trash
- Toiletries go in the Washing machine.
- Items from my nightstand go in the hamper.
- Shoes go in the diaper pail
- Remote controls go in the toilet

We are just thankful he hasn't found the laundry shoot yet.

2. He has a giant head.

This is not just a "we think his head looks large" kind of fact, but the doctor told us at his 12 month appointment that he is average height and weight, but 90% percentile for head circumference. Luckily for him, Jay and I also have extraordinarily large heads and we will be able to help him find the stores that sell hats in L/XL.

3. His first word was "Chango" because they are best buddies.

4. He is strong - he likes to try and pick up furniture and tip large items over.

5. He likes to read books 1.5 times. Seriously, if you can make it through a book 2 entire times, it is a miracle.

6. He will play peek-a-boo by himself until someone notices.

7. He would play in the toilet all day if I would let him.

8. The second anyone tries to hold his hand, he goes limp and falls to the floor in giggles. (makes parking lots exciting.

9. He tries to kiss my cheek, but usually just ends up biting my cheek.

10. I have been clapping and cheering for him to encourage him to try new foods and he recently began clapping for me whenever I take a bite too.

11. He wears a size 6 shoe (same size as his three year old cousin).

12. He is fearless and has taken head first dives off stairs, into pools, into bathtubs and more. Let's just say, he keeps me on my toes.

And a bonus #13 because he is now 13 months:
He runs into walls when angry - it is like Toddler Pin Ball.

Happy Birthday (now 13 months!) to my Little Man.

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