Sunday, May 1, 2011

Washington DC

Last week Jay and I decided to make the 20 hour round trip to visit our friend Levi and Courtney out in DC.

I had never been there, so I totally did the tourist thing complete with a tour book and a camera. I am a History Major and the East Coast is a treasure trove for a history buff like myself, so  I felt a little bit like I was meeting someone really famous the whole time.

We left home Thursday night, stayed in fabulous hotel in Youngstown, OH, and made it to Levi and Courtney's Friday afternoon. We got to see where they lived, we ate some yummy Lebanese food and played some vicious Settlers.

The next morning we rode the metro (underground-Yikes!) to the Eastern market for breakfast and some shopping. (Can you tell Jay thought these giraffes were cool?)
 (This is from the most crammed used bookstore I have ever been in. The owner even gave us a warning when we walked in to beware of falling books)
 We bought fruit at the Eastern market to eat the next day, but we then had to carry it around with us all day. The most memorable piece of fruit was our cantaloupe, Wilson. The picture below is the only shot he made it in, so this is Jay, Wilson and myself in front of the Library of Congress (Wilson is wearing the black bag).

 The botanical gardens.

 Awkward shot in front of the Memorial.

 Our wonderful hosts at the end of the mall (it is under contruction right now)
 Drakes, don't forget pillar number 5!
 Courtney and Levi's church meets in the afternoon, so Sunday morning we went for a hike. The day turned hot, but the hike was super fun.
 Jay showing off.
 I have no idea why this creek was orange.
 We took a trail that was technically closed and this is the reason why. The trail was just a little bit flooded.
So the boys decided to forge the river while the girls took the (high and) dry road. But enjoy their wading adventure.
Thanks Drakes for a fantastic weekend!